Legal Ages in Japan: Shocking Truths Revealed

Legal Ages in Japan

Like every other country, Japan has its own set of legal age laws and regulations to govern various life aspects.

In this article, we’ll delve into the various legal ages in Japan that affect young people.

Both in Japan, and if you visit as a tourist

Those include the age of majority, school-leaving age, as well as drinking and smoking.

We’ll also discuss driving, voting, criminal responsibility, and sexual consent legal ages.

So, stick around for all the details on the legal ages in Japan.

What Is the Legal Age of Majority in Japan?

Like most countries, the legal adulthood age in Japan is 18.

However, that wasn’t the case until April 1, 2022.

Before the partial amendments to the Civil Code, Japan’s age of majority was 20.

The former followed the same legal age as the Great Council of State’s—Japan’s premodern Imperial government—proclamation in 1876.

What Changes When Reaching Adulthood in Japan?

Once a person is 18 years, they no longer need parental authority for various activities.

Some of the responsibilities adults can do on their own in Japan include:

●      Enter into a contract on their own. That includes signing up for a credit card, buying a smartphone, contracting for employment, leasing an apartment, and more!

●      Be eligible for jury duty.

●      Marry without parental consent.

●      Apply for a 10-year passport.

●      File a lawsuit.

However, it’s not all sunshine and roses when it comes to reaching adulthood.

For instance, individuals who turn 18 are no longer punished according to the juvenile criminal code and face more strict consequences.

Additionally, the media can reveal criminals’ identities, unlike juvenile offenders.

Japan’s Coming of Age Ceremony

Turning into an adult is one of the most memorable events in one’s life.

The country celebrates those who have reached maturity through a public holiday known as “coming-of-age day,” or Seijin Shiki.

Japanese people hold the joyous occasion annually on January’s second Monday for those who have reached 20 years of age.

After lowering the age of majority, 18-year-olds can join coming-of-age ceremonies.

What Is the School-leaving Age in Japan?

Minors in Japan must attend school until they complete their third year of junior high school.

Most students in that grade would’ve reached 15 years old.

For those who don’t know, the Japanese educational system consists of nine compulsory years.

Starting at age 6, kids enroll in elementary school, completing six years of primary education before moving to junior high school.

Once students complete the three years of junior high, they’re eligible for employment.

Additionally, parents won’t face truancy charges if a 15-year-old refuses to continue attending high school or higher education.

That said, around 98.1% of junior high students complete senior secondary education, probably due to social pressures.

What Is the Legal Age for Smoking, Drinking and Gambling in Japan?

Despite lowering the age of majority in Japan to 18 years, young adults can’t legally drink alcohol or smoke until they reach 20 years.

Workers in convenience stores might ask people to show some form of identification to confirm their age.

That’s because there are laws against selling or giving cigarettes and alcohol to minors.

Even at self-checkout registers in Japan, the consumer must scan an identification card to confirm legal age and complete the purchase.

Regardless of age, smokers should follow Japan’s smoking rules and laws to avoid penalties and fines.

When it comes to public gambling, such as horse racing, boat racing or pachinko, the age is 20.

Most pachinko parlors also won’t let high school students in, even if they are 18 or older, because of school rules and policy.


If the staff thinks you might be younger than 18, you will need to show ID when you come in.

What Is the Legal Age to Obtain a Driver’s License in Japan?

18 is the minimum age to obtain a driver’s license in Japan.

However, young adults can only apply for class 1 ordinary, semi-medium, and small special vehicle licenses.

Class 2 and large motor licenses require the individual to be at least 21.

Additionally, three or more years should have passed since the driver obtained a mid-sized, semi-mid-sized, or standard motor vehicle license.

That said, teenagers as young as 16 are eligible to get a motorized bicycle license.

This is one reason why some of the wilder elements of Japan’s young men join motorcycle gangs.

Many of these should be arrested for crimes against fashion.

Credit Wikimedia

What Is the Minimum Age to Vote in Japan?

Young adults of 18 years can have a say in elections.

Similar to the age of majority, legal revisions lowered the voting age from 20 to 18 in 2016.

However, that wasn’t the first time the law changed the minimum age required to vote.

Until the amendments to the Public Offices Election Law in 1946, the legal voting age was 25 years.

With the minimum voting age now changed, young people will hopefully have a greater interest in politics.

What Is the Minimum Age for Criminal Responsibility in Japan?

Criminal responsibility begins in Japan at the age of 14, according to the Penal Code.

That means that children younger than 14 aren’t subjected to legal punishment.

Of course, those between 14 and 18 fall under juvenile law and receive lenient sentences and treatment.

However, the government can prosecute 16-year-old teenagers whose actions resulted in casualties.

What Is the Age of Consent in Japan?

At only 13 years, Japan’s legal age of consent is one of the lowest in the world.

Surprisingly, there are countries where the legal age required for sexual relationships is as low as 11 years!

The Penal Code of Japan first stipulated the age of consent as 13 years in 1907.

The Criminal Code punishes anyone who commits a sexual act or indecent act with a male or female under 13 years old, regardless of violence or threat.

Since then, there have been some amendments to include all types of intercourse and specify the age gap.

However, the age of consent remained the same. Japan’s Ministry of Justice is looking to increase the age of consent from 13 to 16 at the 211th Congress, which started in January 2023 and lasts until June 2023.

At What Age Can People Legally Marry in Japan?

For both males and females, 18 is the legal age of marriage in Japan. Previously, females could have married at the age of 16.

However, the minimum marriageable age for females has increased to 18 since April 1, 2022.

Young adults younger than 18 need parental consent to marry, according to the Civil Code of Japan.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, the legal ages in Japan vary from one activity to another.

For instance, the age of the majority in the former country is 18 years.

Likewise, 18 is also the legal age for marrying, voting, and driving.

Although Japan’s age of majority is 18, the government prohibits smoking and drinking at that age.

A person must be at least 20 years old to buy tobacco or alcohol.

As for the age of consent, the minimum age is 13 years old, which is lower than the average age in most countries.

As in any culture, there will be changes and new laws that aim to better protect young men, women, and children.

It is hoped the recent discussion in Japan will make people more aware and also make sure people are held accountable for their actions.

Understanding these legal ages is essential for anyone living in or visiting Japan, as it can help avoid legal troubles.